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Airparks Luton - Drop and Go

A secured car park that's great-value for money.

Airparks Drop and Go is also our cheapest Luton Airport Car Park so you can save money on your holiday before you've even left the airport!

  • Airparks Drop and Go is rated, on average, 8.6 out of 10 by 19121 Airparks customers.

You can find the full reviews on our Airparks Luton reviews page.

Car ParkRatingTransfer TimeKeep Keys8 Day Price
Airparks Drop & Go Luton Airport 8/1014 mins

Airparks Luton is a quick and efficient way to park at Luton Airport while avoiding stress and making sure your holiday gets off to the best possible start. To check current pricing and availability enter your required parking dates at the top of the page and when you're ready to arrange parking at Airparks Luton you can do so through our easy online booking. You can see our full range of parking on our Luton Airport Parking page.

What should I do when I arrive?

You'll need to make sure you have a copy of your booking confirmation with you when you arrive at the car park. As you enter the car park drive straight into the car photo booth where your entire car will be scanned for reference and protection. The scan takes no more than 5 seconds after which you can head to one of the numbered arrival lanes park up, grab your luggage and stroll to the check-in building. Follow the instructions on the machine to check your car into the car park - you'll be issued a key tag and a ticket. Attach the key tag to your keys and drop it into the blue box outside - there will be one that matches the number of the arrival lane you parked in. Airparks will park your car for you so there's no need to worry about hunting for a parking space.

Top Tip: Keep hold of your ticket - you'll need it when you return.

How do I get to Luton Airport?

Airparks Luton runs a free transfer service every 20 minutes between 04:00 and 23.20 which takes just 12-14 minutes to reach the terminal. Outside of these times there us a shuttle service on request so you'll always be able to get to Luton Airport.

Top Tip: If you have sports equipment or a lot of luggage you may have to wait for a bus with more space. Alternatively you could drop your luggage and a passenger at the airport before you head to Airparks Luton.

What about when it's time to leave?

When you return from your trip, catch the shuttle from Bay E right outside the terminal back to the Airparks Luton car park. Head to the check-out building and follow the instructions on the machine - it's a nice, quick process. The machine will give you back your key and display a map showing you the location of your car in the car park. Once you've packed up your luggage just drive to the exit barrier and off you go!

How safe is my car?

The Airparks Luton car park is safe and secured - below you can see the security features in place.

Park Mark Award* 24-hour CCTV Regular security patrols

*The Park Mark Award is given by the police to car parks that reach the benchmarks of their Safer Parking Scheme in recognition of car parks which have taken steps towards increased security and safety.

All information is correct at the time of writing. All prices are guide prices based on 8 days parking.

Directions to Airparks Luton

Directions are supplied with your booking confirmation.

Airparks Luton Drop & Go

  • Grove Road
  • Slip End
  • LU1 4BZ