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Directions to Airparks ShortRun Birmingham

Take a look at the map below to plan your route to Airparks ShortRun. If you book your parking with Airparks, we also include directions with your booking confirmation.

Please note: If using the postcode search field below, sometimes the directions generated send you through the NEC which is a restricted area, so please take this into account and plan your journey accordingly.

Here are your directions to Airparks at Birmingham Airport:

  • From the north-west (Stafford, Stoke, Manchester, Liverpool): Take the M6, M6 Toll, M42
  • From the north-east (Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Sheffield, Leeds): Take the M1, M42
  • From the east (Coventry, Northampton): Take the M6
  • From the south-east (Banbury, Oxford, Bicester, London): M40
  • From the south-west (Worcester, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Bristol): M5