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Aberdeen Airport Car Parks Map & Directions

Enter your postcode for directions:

Longitude -2.20450
Latitude    57.20030

Aberdeen Address

Aberdeen Airport,
AB21 7DU

Here's a handy list of directions for those travelling by car to the Aberdeen Airport parking facilities:

From the A96 (North/West):

Take the A96 south following signs towards Aberdeen. At Dyce Drive roundabout take the 1st exit onto Dyce Drive following signs to the Airport. At traffic signals turn right onto Argyll Road. At roundabout take the 2nd exit onto Brent Road. Upon arrival at Aberdeen Airport follow signs for your pre-booked car park.

From the A90 (North/East):

Take the A90 south following signs towards Aberdeen and Perth. At Haudagain Roundabout take the 3rd exit onto the A96. At third roundabout take the 3rd exit onto Dyce Drive following signs to the Airport. At traffic signals turn right onto Argyll Road. At roundabout take the 2nd exit onto Brent Road. Upon arrival at Aberdeen Airport follow signs for your pre-booked car park.

From the A90 (South):

Take the A90 north following signs towards Inverness and Peterhead. At Haudagain Roundabout take the 1st exit onto the A96. At third roundabout take the 3rd exit onto Dyce Drive following signs to the Airport. At traffic signals turn right onto Argyll Road. At roundabout take the 2nd exit onto Brent Road. Upon arrival at Aberdeen Airport follow signs for your pre-booked car park.